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- [Added February 9, 2025] New Link from YouTube Posted entitled "The Return of Trump: The Mystery and The Future". Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added February 5, 2025] New Video from YouTube Posted entitled "The Real Reason Trump Wants Canada: Lies and Dark Ties to China - Exclusive Report" Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added January 29, 2025] New Link from YouTube Posted entitled "UNCOVERED: This newest Liberal scandal may derail democracy and handcuff future governments". Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added January 5, 2025] New Video from YouTube Posted entitled "Canada's Next Prime Minister | Pierre Poilievre" Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added January 4, 2025] New Video from YouTube Posted entitled "YouTube Video: WACKOS: The Weird, Wild, Woke & Wonderful World Of The People Running Our Country" Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added December 27, 2024] New Video from YouTube Posted entitled "YouTube HashTag: Jordan Peterson" Find it here or under the Category "News Alerts & Commentary".
- [Added December 26, 2024] New Link from Apple Podcasts Posted entitled "Apple Podcasts: Joel Osteen Daily Podcast". Find it here or under the Category "Daily Inspiration".
Daily Inspiration
Critical Analysis
News Alerts & Commentary

For a complete list of News and Commentary, find here.
Recommended Media Site: https://telegram.org/(See the news channel of LauraAboli) Her news clips are very pungent, loving, and forthright.
See also: http://www.robertscottbell.com/natural-remedies/66421 ( (Laura Aboli Interview)
The Defender's Study Bible (King James Version) with Notes & Appendices

The King James Version (Authorized Version) of the Bible complete with The Defender's Study Bible Notes & Appendices
Lending Library
Articles on Specific Topics
Creation vs Evolution

How did we come to be? Were we created by an All-knowing God, or did we slowly evolve from nothing. These articles present the facts!
Bible Study

These articles help you find out how to study the bible, and get the most out of God's word.
History of the Bible, Translations and Doctrines

Today, there are many different translations of the bible. These articles help you to gain a better understanding of which bible version is the most representative of God's Word.
Lending Library
...the truth shall make you free. John 8:32