Acts Twenty Eight
by Dr. Henry M. Morris
(taken from the Defender's Study Bible)
Acts 28:1 And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita.
Melita. The island of Melita is now known as Malta, south of Sicily.
barbarous people. The people were probably descendants of Phoenician sailors who first used this island. They were considered “barbarous” merely because they did not speak either Latin or Greek as their native language. Some at least were able to converse with Paul; evidently they had learned one or both languages.
bundle of sticks. It is interesting that, out of the three hundred or so people who must have been enjoying the fire, it was Paul who took it upon himself to gather sticks to keep it burning. Among these sticks, however, was a venomous snake (the exact species is in dispute) which had been torpid from the cold, looking much like another stick. The heat energized the snake, so that it suddenly bit Paul.
Acts 28:5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.
felt no harm. Christ had promised that His followers, in carrying out His great commission, might “take up serpents” without harm (Mark 16:18). This experience of Paul's is the only actual example of such a phenomenon recorded in the New Testament, though there may have been others. This promise was for protection, not for show, and was not intended to apply indefinitely, especially after the completion and circulation of the New Testament. One danger involved in the indiscriminate useor attempted displayof signs and wonders is that those who observe them may be tempted to ascribe divinity to those who perform them (note Acts 28:6; also recall Acts 14:11).
were healed. The healing of Publius' father (Acts 28:8) was miraculous; the others may have been healed by the medical means available to Luke the physician.
ship of Alexandria. This grain ship from Alexandria spent the winter months in Malta, probably the harbor of Valleta, as the owner of Paul's ship had wanted to do at Phenice. Navigation by sailing vessels on the Mediterranean virtually ceased during the winter months.
Castor and Pollux. “Castor and Pollux” was evidently the figurehead and name of the ship. It was so chosen because the astrological sign of Gemini, the Twins, was considered the favorite sign of many ancient mariners.
Acts 28:12 And landing at Syracuse, we tarried there three days.
Syracuse. Syracuse, on Sicily's eastern coast, was the large island's most important city.
with them seven days. As he had done at Sidon at the beginning of the journey (Acts 27:3), so the centurion graciously allowed Paul to spend time with the Christian brethren at Puteoli, on the bay of Naples (Acts 28:13) in southern Italy, near the end of the journey. It is possible that they wanted Paul to spend a week with them so he could address the local congregation on the Lord's Day. At Puteoli, they left the ship, and continued the rest of the way to Rome on the Appian Way, an important Roman road leading to the Appii Forum, a marketing center some forty or so miles south of Rome (Acts 28:15). There some of the Roman Christians had come to meet Paul. They had undoubtedly read his Roman epistle, which had been sent to them some three years previously, and were eagerly anticipating his coming. They did not know he would be coming as a prisoner, of course, but were nevertheless glad to be identified with him, and Paul was encouraged and thankful.
to dwell by himself. Luke could not stay with Paul any longer, but undoubtedly was allowed to visit him, as were many others (Acts 28:30). Luke is mentioned in Paul's epistles to Philemon and to the Colossians, which were written during this period. Even though Nero was emperor at this time, he had not yet shown his true character. Paul was still treated with courtesy and allowed many privileges.
into his lodging. As always, Paul went first to the Jews with the gospel (Romans 1:16), just as he had written to the Roman Christians. Since he could not go to the synagogues this time, he got the Jewish leaders to come to him.
the prophets. Again according to his regular approach, he expounded the Scriptures to the Jews, showing forth their testimony concerning Jesus. Significantly, just as Jesus had done (Luke 24:27), Paul began with Genesis and continued through all the Scriptures, proving that Jesus had fulfilled the promises to the fathers. There is, indeed, much there to expound, evidenced by Paul continuing to expound from morning until evening.
Acts 28:24 And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
some believed. As always, when Christ is presented in all fullness, some will believe, but most will not.
Esaias the prophet. Paul here applied the prophecy of Isaiah 6:9, 10, to the Jews' rejection of Jesus as their Messiah. Jesus had made a similar application of the same prophecy in Matthew 13:14 and John 12:40.
unto the Gentiles. Once again, Paul announced that, since the Jews had rejected the offer of salvation, it would go to the Gentiles. It seems somewhat symbolic that Paul has by this time preached the gospel all the way from Jerusalem to Rome, the greatest city in the world at that time, and that the account ends at this point. He had always gone first to the Jews, only to find again and again that the Gentiles were the ones who responded. It was said of Jesus that “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). The same had been proved true of His gospel.
they will hear. This has been a wonderfully fulfilled prophecy. The Gentiles, in practically every nation, have received the gospel gladly in substantial numbers. The Christians of the first century, beginning with the apostles, were largely Jews, but this soon changed. Ever since, it has been the Gentile churches and missionaries who have been spreading the gospel.
two whole years. According to Roman law, it was necessary to wait about two years for the prosecution to come forward with their case. There is no indication that the Jews ever did this, certainly not within the two-year period, since Luke would have mentioned it if they had. Accordingly, many scholars believe that Paul was released at this point and was able to continue his missionary activities for a few years, later being rearrested and executed by Nero following the burning of Rome. On the other hand, there have been others who argue that the Jews finally did bring their case and persuaded the emperor that Paul and his Christian followers were plotting against the empire, so that Paul was put to death without ever getting out of prison. This particular controversy has never been settled, though the first option seems more likely in view of Luke's optimistic ending of the book after the two-year statutory period. Even so, there is still the possibility that Luke died before he learned of the later negative developments.