The Current Events Book Category

Index of Books Under the Category Current Events. Click here to read details about the book entitled Angels Don't Play This HAARP written by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning. Click here to read details about the book entitled The Death of the West written by Patrick J. Buchanan. Click here to read details about the book entitled Hot Topics written by Jack Chick and David W. Daniels. Click here to read details about the book entitled Men In Black written by Mark R. Levin. Click here to read details about the book entitled Walls of Misconception written by Dr. Peter Lillback. Click here to read details about the book entitled More Guns, Less Crime written by John R. Lott, Jr.. Click here to read details about the book entitled Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America written by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Click here to read details about the book entitled After America: Get Ready for Armageddon written by Mark Steyn.