Link Index by Category
List of Categories Available
Links: Category: Apostate Christianity
Chick Publications
Publishing cartoon gospel tracts and equipping Christians for evangelism for over 40 years.
Links: Category: Bible Prophecy
Science and Public Policy
This is Lord Monckton's site. The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) is a nonprofit institute of research and education dedicated to sound public policy based on sound science. Free from affiliation to any corporation or political party, we support the advancement of sensible public policies for energy and the environment rooted in rational science and economics. Only through science and factual information, separating reality from rhetoric, can legislators develop beneficial policies without unintended consequences that might threaten the life, liberty, and prosperity of the citizenry.
The Hal Lindsey Report
Politically incorrect, prophetically correct: Policies are many; principles are few. Policies will change; principles never do.
Way of Life Literature
Challenging Christian workers to uphold the truth and resist the apostacy of our times.
Berean Call
This organization headed by Dave Hunt critiques religious teachings in the light of scripture.
Defend and Proclaim the Faith
John McTernan,founder of Branch of David ministries, has spent thousands of hours with Jews and Muslims debating and corresponding in defense of the Gospel.
Eternal Productions
Gospel means Good News. And in a world of sin and suffering, we each desperately need God's Good News.
Evangelist Dan Goodwin
Evangelist Dan Goodwin, a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College, has pastored three Baptist churches, and is currently an evangelist sent by the ministry of Pastor James West of Faith Baptist Church, Osterburg, Pennsylvania.
Mystery Babylon is Mecca, NOT Vatican
When it comes to Mystery Babylon, the common tendency amongst many Protestant theologians is to liken it to Rome. According to them, Rome is the city of seven hills. Others even equate it with Iraq, since this was home to the original Babylon. Years ago, many books were written about Saddam Hussein, who was allegedly hard at work, rebuilding Babylon. Find out more.
Watchman Video Broadcast
Watchman Video Broadcast, Mike Hoggard, Bible Prophecy, Current Events
Comparing Bible Prophecy and Scripture Numerics to Current Events, Symbols and Conspiracies with Pastor Michael W. Hoggard. Find out more.
Stephen Quayle™ is a nationally known radio host (Survive2thrive and Coast to Coast), photographer and author of a number of important books including Breathe No Evil, a primer for understanding bioterrorism, first published in 1996. Find out more.
Understanding the FIRST RESURRECTION according to the Harvest and Temple Models - Part 1
Do you have a complete understanding of the Rapture? There are so many viewpoints between believers who are all reading the same Bible, especially on subjects such as the Rapture. How is it possible that people can have such diverging views and opinions about subjects that are addressed in the Word of God, such as the Rapture? Please NOTE: There are 5 PARTS to this Series. Find out more.
The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded
Understanding the seven years of the 70th week of Daniel is very important, because of the truth of its fulfillment and the deceptions based on it. Find out more.
The Olivet Discourse Decoded
It’s all of the futuristic deceptions of the enemy that make it hard to see the truth of the fulfillment. Find out more.
Revelation Timeline Decoded
This bible study series explains the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets, bowls, the little book, the two witnesses, the antichrist beast, the false prophet, and the harlot who is called "Mystery, Babylon the Great". Find out more.
Come Out Of The Teachings Of The Babylonian Roman Church
This website helps everyone see how Roman christianity has influenced people's beliefs so that they caN come out of Babylon, as Messiah commanded of us in Revelation 18:4. Find out more.
Links: Category: Bible Reading
Bible Gateway is a free service for reading and researching Scripture online--all in the language or translation of your choice! We provide advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible.
Sermon Audio
Sermon Audio allows you to enjoy their library of 363,829 free sermons from conservative churches worldwide.
Links: Category: Bible Study
Koinonia House
“Bringing the world into focus through the lens of Scripture” Their mission statement is: “To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.”
The Descendents of Abraham: Do Church Age Believers Become “Spiritual Jews?”
Based on Romans 2:28-29, some have concluded that being Jewish is a spiritual rather than ethnic matter, and that people become “spiritual Jews” when they become Christians. Read more.
11 Simple Theological Terms We All Need to Know
Deriving from two Greek words, theos (God) and logos (word or discourse), the term theology simply refers to the study of or discourse about God. For students of the Bible, theology is the product of Bible study. In other words, it is not something we should read into the Bible or even use as a grid for understanding the Bible. Instead, we should come to the Bible objectively, letting it say what it says. Read more.
Links: Category: Bible Translations
Adullam Films
Adullam Films was founded in 1999 by writer/director Chris Pinto for the purpose of chronicling through film & video the chief evidence of our time that proves the word of God is true, and that Jesus Christ is coming soon. Find out more.
Bible For Today
The overarching purpose of THE BIBLE FOR TODAY is to proclaim and to defend the principles of the Bible.
Harvest House Publishers
Provides high-quality books & products that affirm biblical values which help people grow spiratually strong and proclaim Jesus Christ as the answer to every human need.
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
A worldwide Christian Ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people.
Links: Category: Children's Corner
Bible2School believes in Christ and is committed to serving children attending public school with excellence and integrity. We believe that Bible2School is a solution by positively impacting a community by teaching truth and inspiring hope.
The Greg Reese Report with Connor Boyack
Connor Boyack is the Author of Children's Books. Find out more.
Links: Category: Common Law
YouTube Video: Dead In The Water Maritime Admiralty UCC
This video is Age Restricted. Sign in to YouTube to watch.
Links: Category: Creation
David Rives Ministries
David Rives Ministries website. His message speaks primarily to any Christian who would agree with me that Jesus is the sinless Son of God. Find out more.
Center for Scientific Creation
In the Beginning Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Find out more.
Signature in the Cell
Website for a book written by Stephen C. Meyer entitled Signature in the Cell. It is about DNA and the evidence for Intelligent Design.
David Nikao Books And Websites
Hello, my name is David Nikao Wilcoxson, and my ministry focuses on teaching Bible prophecy, to expose the enemy’s prophecy fulfillment deceptions.
Biblical Geocentrism
The True Doctrine Of The Globe Earth – A Scriptural View Of The Universe. Find out more!
Links: Category: Economics
Money As Debt
Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of “Money as Debt” tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its “Duncan Initiative” received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and used by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States.
Reality Zone - Money and Banking
This site is source to the book “The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at The Federal Reserve” by Edward Griffin. WARNING! You are about to enter the Reality Zone, a place where truth is stranger than fiction, where knowledge is king, where myths are shattered and deceptions exposed. Those who enter can never return to the Twilight Zone from which they came.
Opportunity International
Opportunity International provides banking services and training - microfinance - to the entrepreneurial poor so they can work their way out of poverty.
Canadian Centre for Policy Studies
The Canadian Centre for Policy Studies is an independent, not-for-profit conservative think-tank dedicated to the advancement of freedom and prosperity at home and abroad through the development and promotion of good public policy.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is a federally incorporated not-for-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to lower taxes, less waste and accountable
Connecting Investors with Consumer Brands
For Investors: Invest directly into innovative consumer and retail companies. For Entrepreneurs: Connect with experienced investors who can help your company thrive.
Links: Category: Education
MSC Canada
The mission of MSC is to encourage and support service for the Lord by workers commended from local churches; in compliance with Scriptural guidelines, government legislation, and agreements with other organizations with which MSC is associated.
Operation Mobilization
Operation Mobilization works around the world with 5,400 missionaries from more than 90 nations working in more than 110 countries and onboard two ocean-going missions ships.
A ministry to mind, body and soul. Christ centered Bible teaching, great fellowship and a variety of recreational opportunities await you.
Links: Category: Environmentalism
Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming – climatologist Dr J Christy debunks the narrative
Dr John Christy, distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, has been a compelling voice on the other side of the climate change debate for decades.
Science and Public Policy
This is Lord Monckton's site. The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) is a nonprofit institute of research and education dedicated to sound public policy based on sound science. Free from affiliation to any corporation or political party, we support the advancement of sensible public policies for energy and the environment rooted in rational science and economics. Only through science and factual information, separating reality from rhetoric, can legislators develop beneficial policies without unintended consequences that might threaten the life, liberty, and prosperity of the citizenry.
Cornwall Alliance
The Cornwall Alliance is a coalition of clergy, theologians, religious leaders, scientists, academics, and policy experts committed to bringing a balanced Biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of environment and development. Find out more.
Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. Find out more.
Dane made the decision to focus all of his efforts, energy and resources on full time investigation of the geoengineering / solar radiation management issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing solar obscuration / global dimming.. Find out more.
geoengineeringWatch: The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations. Find out more.
Links: Category: Health Issues
Frontline Flash™ Daily Dose: ‘The Mask Is A Dangerous Lie’ with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Frontline Flash™ by with Dr. Peterson Pierre presents Daily Dose: ‘The Mask Is A Dangerous Lie’. Find out more.
Frontline Flash™ Daily Dose: ‘Mask Mandates Led To More Deaths’ with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Frontline Flash™ by with Dr. Peterson Pierre presents Daily Dose: ‘Mask Mandates Led To More Deaths’ Find out more.
Frontline Flash™ Daily Dose: ‘Real Science on Mask Mandates’ with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Frontline Flash™ by with Dr. Peterson Pierre presents Daily Dose: 'Real Science on Mask Mandates’ Find out more.
Stop World Control
Experts & lawyers present evidence to a grand jury, of agenda for world tyranny under the guise of pandemics. Find out more.
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. This especially includes your health care. Find out more.
America's Frontline Doctor's
Empowering patients and physicians with independent, evidence-based medicine. Find out more.
Health Sciences Institute
Dedicated to uncovering and researching the most urgent advances in modern underground medicine. Find out more.
Reality Zone - Health Issues
Complete section of the Reality Zone website which focuses on Health Issues.
Center For Food Safety
The Center for Food Safety works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture.
Responsible Technology
Genetically modified foods are linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals.
Seeds of Deception
Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, presents shocking evidence why genetically modified crops may lead to health and environmental catastrophes, and what we can do about it. Find out more.
Underwood Gardens
The best source for the finest heirloom seeds and heirloom vegetable gardening! Find out more.
Amish Cough Syrup Recipe
Amish Cough Syrup, also known as Snake Juice, is an old-fashioned homemade cough syrup recipe that is used to help calm coughs, soothe sore throats, and curtail congestion. Find out more.
Where Law meets Medicine. We provide expert evidence-based opinions on Causation and Standard-of-Care regarding potential Medical Malpractice, serving lawyers and institutions right across Canada. Find out more.
Outsmart Your Cancer
We, at, do not sell treatments or supplements of any kind and do not give out medical advice. We DO, however, take pride in providing practical information and educational material to anyone interested in looking into alternative methods for cancer. Find out more.
The Fluoride Deception
Award-Winning Journalist Christopher Bryson Examines One Of The Great Secret Narratives Of The Industrial Period; How A Highly Toxic Poison And The Most Damaging Environmental Pollutant Of The Cold War Era Was Added To Our Drinking Water And Toothpaste. Find out more.
Dr. Berg
Dr. Berg is the author of the #1 Best Seller The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, and The Healthy Keto Plan (Formerly The New Body Type Guide). I want to share some vital information about why you’ve been having a rough time losing your belly.
Baking soda offers potential anticancer effect, multiple studies reveal
Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, has been used for decades as a first line of defense against every kind of ‘acidic’ health problem – including cancer. Naturally, the question remains – is there any proof that baking soda is a defense against cancer or any other chronic dis-ease? Find out more.
Hope and
Canadian base. Split off from Christian Blind Mission to encompass a wider range of services for the poor children of this world ,... doctors, teachers, health workers, community advocates – passionate about giving hope and medical care to children trapped in poverty and disability. Find out more.
Links: Category: Islam
Jihad Watch
If we don't know the Koran, we can't defeat the jihadists: Osama bin Laden, the masterminds of 9/11 and those who have perpetrated the over 13,000 jihad attacks worldwide since 9/11 repeatedly point to it as their inspiration and authority, explaining that they're committing acts of terrorism and hate because of it.
Their Purpose: They exist to exalt Jesus Christ through word and deed, making disciples and establishing mature, multiplying churches among Muslims of the Arab world wherever they reside.
Thomas Jefferson's Koran
Keith Ellison (elected to House of Representatives (US)) demanded use of-and received permission from the Library of Congress to use-Thomas Jefferson's own personal copy of the Koran on which to swear his oath of allegiance to the Constitution at the inauguration ceremony. Read more...
Chick Publications
Publishing cartoon gospel tracts and equipping Christians for evangelism for over 40 years.
The Religion of Peace is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and we document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
Theodore “Ted” Shoebat Finds Oldest Reference To Allah
A research article posted on the website of terrorist-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat contends the oldest known references to the Islamic deity Allah are not in Arabian records but in Babylonian artifacts. Find out more...
Gates of Vienna
At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very old war.
Links: Category: Mormonism
Chick Publications
Publishing cartoon gospel tracts and equipping Christians for evangelism for over 40 years.
Links: Category: Music
YouTube Video: Giovanni Battista Fontana: Sonata Seconda - Voices of Music
Alana Youssefian, Baroque Violin
YouTube Video: Vivaldi: Concerto in D Major RV 212 "St. Antonio - Voices of Music
Alana Youssefian, Baroque Violin
YouTube Video: Old Hundredth
Sung by 200 voice Mass Choir for Classic Hymns album " Sweet Hour of Prayer"
YouTube Video: MY LOVE IS LIKE A RED, RED ROSE - Kenneth McKellar
An authentic rendering of this classic Scottish song set to a poem by Robert Burns and sung by Kenneth McKellar. This much-admired artist was trained at The Royal College of Music in London and subsequently sang with the great Carl Rosa Opera Company and gave concerts of Lieder, operatic arias, and classic songs with the odd folksong thrown in. The recording is the original Decca version issued in 1960. Enjoy.
YouTube Video: Praise To The Lord: 200 Voice Mass Choir
A 200 voice choir sing the hymn Praise to the Lord for Classic Hymns album Ancient of Days. Conductor: Arul Siromoney. Pipe Organ: Leslie David. Recorded live at St Andrews Kirk Chennai in 2008. With aim to revive hymns Classic Hymns has so far done over 100 hymns of which 5 albums are in English, 2 in Tamil and 1 in Malayalam. It has also done a special Tamil song Neer Mathram Poodhum .See more on Classic Hymns on
YouTube Video: Michael Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore
A suite from the early baroque dance collection Terpsichore (1612) by Michael Praetorius. Live, 4K UHD video from the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music concert, December, 2016.
YouTube Video: Irish Washerwoman – André Rieu
André Rieu & His Johann Strauss Orchestra performing Irish Washerwoman live in Maastricht.
YouTube Video: 13 Year Old Girl Playing Il Silenzio (The Silence) - André Rieu
André Rieu & Melissa Venema performing Il Silenzio live in Maastricht.
YouTube Video: Handel: As steals the morn (L'Allegro, HWV 55)
Amanda Forsythe & Thomas Cooley, Voices of Music. One of Handel's finest arias, As steals the morn upon the night, performed on original instruments by the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music.
YouTube Video: Immortal, invisible, God only wise Hymn
St Paul's Cathedral Platinum Jubilee Service - The hymn 'Immortal, invisible, God only wise', based on 1 Timothy 1:17 and written by Walter Chalmers Smith (1824 – 1908), set to the tune ST. DENIO, originally a Welsh ballad tune, edited and arranged by John Roberts (1822 - 1877). This hymn was sung at the Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's reign, at St Paul's Cathedral on Friday 3 June 2022.
Festival of Worship 2013 - Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles - Fred Bock Institute of Music at Fuller Seminary
YouTube Video: SOUSA The Stars and Stripes Forever - "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band
The President's Own" United States Marine Band recorded John Philip Sousa's march "The Stars and Stripes Forever" on March, 3, 2009, in the John Philip Sousa Band Hall at Marine Barracks Annex in Washington, D.C. This video was recorded for the National Museum of the Marine Corps gallery titled "A Global Expeditionary Force 1866-1916," where visitors will find an interactive Marine Band exhibit.
YouTube Video: Bach: Toccata & Fugue in D minor - Original Canadian Brass with Peter Schickele - Part 5 of 7
Here it is -- "Toccata & Fugue in D minor" arranged by Fred Mills, in performance with Fred & Ron playing the impossible! This work is now performed by virtually every brass quintet the world over.
YouTube Video: J.S. Bach -Toccata & Fugue in D-minor BWV 565 - Stephanuskerk Hasselt
Toccata & Fugue in D-minor - Joh. Seb. Bach (BWV 565). Stephanuskerk Hasselt (Netherlands). Organist: Gert van Hoef (1994). Assistants: Jan de Rooij and Willem de Boer.
YouTube Video: Holy Holy Holy - 250 Voice Mass Choir- Classic Hymns Album " Blessed Assurance"
The Worship Hymn "Holy Holy Holy" sung by a 250 Voice Mass Choir from various Choirs in Chennai for Classic Hymns album "Blessed Assurance". Its told that Bishop Heber was inspired to write the lyrics of this hymn while in Trichy India. Recorded live at Egmore Wesley Church Chennai, Conductor: Sharada Schaffter, Pipe Organ: Andrew Bhagyanathan
YouTube Video: Dutch Hymne HEER U BENT MIJN LEVEN - Concert in Geraardsbergen - Gert van Hoef - Part 3
Organ Recital, St. Batholomew's Church Geraardsbergen (Belgium) Anneessens-organ Organist: Gert van Hoef, Stop-assistant: Marjolein Speijer
YouTube Video: Hallelujah - G.F. Händel - Gert van Hoef in de Nieuwe Kerk Katwijk"
June 5, 2017, Live Recording Concert, New Church Katwijk, Van den Heuvel-organ, Organist: Gert van Hoef; Assistants: Jan de Rooij and Marjolein Speijer; Audio Jaap van Rijn
King's College Choir - Thine be the glory (Haendel)
Choir of King's College Cambridge - Handel: Thine be the glory (from/de Judas Maccabeus) - Stephen Cleobury.
Baroque Trumpet Tunes
1. Charpentier: Prelude from "Te Deum"; 2. Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary; 3. Purcell: Trumpet Tune; 4. Mouret: Rondo form Suite de Symphonies; 5. Handel: Trumpet Concerto in D minor
YouTube Video: Carols From King’s – The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge
The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, is one of the world’s best-known choral groups. Founded in the 15th century, it ranks among the oldest of its kind, and, while originally created for singing the daily services in the college chapel, now enjoys an international tour schedule that has seen it perform all over Europe and beyond. Every Christmas Eve, millions of people tune in to watch the choir’s A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s – a service which has been continuously broadcast since 1928.
YouTube Video: A Mighty Fortress is our God - Christian Hymns with Lyrics (Choir) / Martin Luther
Lyricist: Martin Luther, Lyrics Date: 1529/1528, Translator: Frederick H. Hedge, Key: C, Theme: God: His Faithfulness; Comfort, Victory in Conflict
The 2023 Grammy-nominated British vocal ensemble VOCES8 is proud to inspire people through music and share the joy of singing. Touring globally, the group performs an extensive repertoire both in its a cappella concerts and in collaborations with leading orchestras, conductors and soloists.
YouTube Video: Trumpet Tune - Henry Purcell, Trompete und Orgel
Martin Schröder (Trumpet) and Hans-André Stamm (Organ) playing Cebell, Air & Fanfare (Trumpet Tune) von Henry Purcell (1656-1695). Recording from Concert at September 20th 2015 on the Le Royer Organ from 1662 in Sint-Pieterskerk in Turnhout, Belgium. The Organ is tuned at A=409 Hz, the Selmer Piccolo trumpet is pitched down with an additional pipe, as well.
"In dulci jubilo" Michael Praetorius | Gabrieli Consort & Players
"In dulci jubilo" by Michael Praetorius, performed by Gabrieli Consort & Players alongside their students from Gabrieli ROAR under the direction of Paul McCreesh. This comes as part of 'Live From London Christmas 2021', an incredible online series of festive music from some of the world’s finest ensembles.
YouTube Video: 1812 Overture
The Year 1812 Solemn Overture, Op. 49, popularly known as the 1812 Overture, is a concert overture in E♭ major written in 1880 by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to commemorate the successful Russian defense against Napoleon's invading Grande Armée in 1812.
YouTube Video: Vivaldi – L'estro armonico – Concerto No. 10 in B minor for 4 violins, Op. 3 Ospedale della Pietà
Marcin Grabosz - conductor, Karol Szymanowski Music School Orchestra in Wrocław, Poland, La Folle Journee de Varsovie, recorded at Polish National Opera in Warsaw, October 01, 2017
YouTube Video: The Best of Pachelbel. 1 Hour of Top Classical Baroque Music. HQ Recording Canon In D
Enjoy 1 Hour NON STOP Classic Music with theBest of Johann Pachelbel. This video collects the essential of Johann Pachelbel played by the biggest Symphony Orchestra of all time [Full Recording in High Quality Sound]
YouTube Video: Arcangelo Corelli 12 Concerti Grossi Op.6, SCO, Bohdan Warchal
Arcangelo Corelli 12 Concerti Grossi Op.6 -- Bohdan Warchal - Violin; Quido Holbling - Violin; Juraj Alexander - Violoncello; Slovak Chamber - Orchestra
VOCES8: Bring Us, O Lord God - William Harris
VOCES8 performs 'Bring Us, O Lord God' by William Harris at St Vedast Church in London.
Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It
A story of how our national anthem came to be. Find out more.
Time To Say Goodbye - Kseenia Tacu (pan-flute and flute cover) în colaborare cu prof. Viorel Grossu.
Find out more.
VOCES8: Praise Our Lord by William Byrd
VOCES8 sings William Byrd's glorious anthem 'Praise Our Lord' at the VOCES8 Centre in London. 2023 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Byrd, one of England's finest ever composers. Find out more.
YouTube Video: G.F. Händel: ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’ | Marie-Sophie Pollak & Ensemble Concerto München
Eternal Source Of Light Divine (aus: Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74)
YouTube Video: G. F. HAENDEL - Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, from 'Solomon' (Anne-Isabelle de Parcevaux, organ)
Georg Friedrich Haendel (1685-1759), Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, from 'Solomon'. Organ transcription by Aubrey Tucker (slightly modified)
YouTube Video: Vivaldi-Isoir concerto RV 580 par Constance Taillard
Concert du 14 août 2021 à l'église Saint Louis de Vichy. Orgue Aubertin, 1990. Orgues et musique sacrée à Vichy, 4ème Festival d'orgue
Isaiah 40:31 / Piano Worship Music
This video is all about worshipping Our father . the one who died for us. Jesus! He's our King!
This Prayer Music was made to help those who have a hard time reaching the presence of God.This was made to launch you directly into the presence of our Almighty God. Find out more.
Jonathan performs music associated with Royalty and Royal occasions on the King of instruments in the stunning surroundings of Ripon Cathedral.
Henry Purcell: "Come Come Ye Sons Of Art" - Ode for bithday Queen Mary composed in 1694 year
Find out more.
YouTube Video: Concert Victoria Hall Hanley 2022 - Gert van Hoef - Part 3
Live recording organ concert: Victoria Hall, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent (UK): Conacher-Willis organ: Organist: Gert van Hoef: Assistant: Marjolein van Hoef
YouTube Video: Jesu bleibet meine freude - improvisatie Gert van Hoef - St. Baafs Kathedraal Gent
St. Baafs Cathedral Gent (Belgium): Klais-organ: Organist: Gert van Hoef
YouTube Video: 24 Best Traditional Hymns Ever Written
Over 1 hour of the Greatest Hymns Ever Written! These hymns are extracts from the Virtual Church series, and feature only pipe organs.
Church in the Wildwood" (Yodeling) Hudson Harmony Band
"Church in the Wildwood" was written by Dr. William S. Pitts and is performed by Hudson Harmony Band. The video was recorded by Sadie Such Photography and Films and music was done by Hudson Harmony Studio. Find out more.
YouTube Video: Blessed Assurance - Beautiful Hymns of Faith - Cello and Piano
Listen to the beautiful hymn, "Blessed Assurance" and other beautiful hymns of faith from the heavenly cello and piano. These hymns touch the heart and soul of the people who listen. Use our heavenly relaxing hymns to find peace, pray, to sing to, sleep and to read the bible. We are looking forward to hearing how you used our relaxing hymns of faith.
Top 10 Best Christmas Carols From England
Includes carols where the music is written by an English Composer. Not including carols with lyrics, but not music, written by an English person (e.g., Hark the Herald Angels Sing or Joy to the world) and only including religious carols not modern music by English bands such as Fairy Tale of New York or Last Christmas.
Handel Water Music: Hornpipe; the FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings, director
The Göttingen Handel Festival is one of the oldest and most prestigious festivals in Europe. Every year, musicians from around the world celebrate the music of Handel and his contemporaries with performances of operas, oratorios and many other concerts.
Gentle music, calms the nervous system and pleases the soul - healing music for the heart and blood
The study found that listening to relaxing music of the patient's choice resulted in "significant pain relief and increased mobility." Researchers believe that music relieves pain because listening to music activates opioids, the body's natural painkillers. Find out more.
O Holy Night - Instrumental Christmas Music
Listen to instrumental Christmas music with this loop of the album "O Holy Night" by Peder B. Helland.
YouTube Video: Vivaldi-Isoir concerto RV 580 par Constance Taillard
Concert du 14 août 2021 à l'église Saint Louis de Vichy. Orgue Aubertin, 1990. Orgues et musique sacrée à Vichy, 4ème Festival d'orgue
Ballet des Coqs, Michael Praetorius
From the concert "Dancers' Delight: Michael Praetorius' Terpsichore" Find out more.
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me - Laudate Mennonite Ensemble
Michael Farren, Rich Thompson, and Jonny Robinson. Arranged by Lyle Stutzman. Find out more.
André Rieu - Nearer, My God, to Thee
André Rieu, over 500 brass players & the Johann Strauss Orchestra performing Nearer, my God, to Thee live in Amsterdam. Taken from the DVD "André Rieu Gala-Live in de Arena" (Dutch release), available at Find out more.
Trumpet and Organ: Georg Friedrich Händel - Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
Martin Schröder (Trumpet) and Hans-André Stamm (Organ) playing "Hallelujah" Chorus from Messiah by Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759), arranged for trumpet, organ and timpani ad lib. by Martin Schröder. Recording from march 23th 2016 in Church "Christuskirche" in Leverkusen, Germany.
YouTube Video: All people that on earth do dwell Hymn - Westminster Abbey
The hymn 'All people that on earth do dwell' written by William Kethe (d. 1594), based on Psalm 100, set to the tune OLD HUNDREDTH from the Genevan Psalter (1551) arranged by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958). From the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey on Monday 14 March 2022.
YouTube Video: Hildegard of Bingen: De Spiritu Sancto (Holy Spirit, The Quickener Of Life)
Hildegard of Bingen (German: Hildegard von Bingen; Latin: Hildegardis Bingensis; c. 1098 – 17 September 1179), also known as Saint Hildegard and the Sibyl of the Rhine, was a German Benedictine abbess and polymath active as a writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary, and as a medical writer and practitioner during the High Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred monophony, as well as the most recorded in modern history. She has been considered by scholars to be the founder of scientific natural history in Germany.
VOCES8: Praise Our Lord by William Byrd
VOCES8 sings William Byrd's glorious anthem 'Praise Our Lord' at the VOCES8 Centre in London. 2023 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Byrd, one of England's finest ever composers. Find out more.
André Rieu - Hup Holland Hup & Viva Hollandia
André Rieu plays 2 typical Dutch football songs. This was recorded 1 day after the World Cup final between the Netherlands & Spain. Find out more.
Links: Category: News Alerts and Commentary
Info Wars
Precisely as we warned all along, the very financial terrorists responsible for the economic collapse have now exploited the crisis to pose as saviors and oversee a banker coup – with Goldman Sachs stooges now in control of both Italy and the European Central Bank. Find out more.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 5, 2023, # 417
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels. Find out more.
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact, originally titled Agreement Between the Settlers of New Plymouth, was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. Find out more.
I am out in the forest looking at the trees. They are dying from the top down and snapping off! Find out more.
The Genocide Turkey Erased From History: The Greek Genocide
The Armenian genocide was the systematic destruction of the Armenian people and identity in the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Spearheaded by the ruling Committee of Union and Progress, Find out more.
Occam's Razor with Dr. Philip Stott
Occam's Razor is a popular tool for deciding between competing hypotheses, but if it does not have enough information to work with it may be a blunt instrument. Find out more.
VIDEO - Theory on what is in the COVID-19 Vaccine Vials - Interview with Dr.Poornima Wagh
So we're looking at contents of, I'm just calling them injections. These are not vaccines. Find out more.
IVERMECTIN Solution much more bioavailable than IVERMECTIN pills - and women absorb more - shocking new 2023 Research from Argentina
Objective: To compare the systemic availability and disposition kinetics of IVM orally administered as different pharmaceutical formulations (tablet, solution, or capsule) to healthy adults. Find out more.
If you thought COVID was bad, wait till you hear what’s brewing with bird flu
It turns out you can find the “never seen before” H5N2 virus FOR SALE in a catalog. Yes, you read that right. BEI Resources, funded by the NIAID, is selling it. Find out more.
Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened by History
Once again, the Democrats are offering up a woman candidate for president. And once again, it is an unlikeable candidate who owes her career to a far more skillful male politician. Find out more.
Those lines you see sprayed in the sky every afternoon is the cause of this
The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer's and Autism. Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: Find out more.
17-Year-Old Female Volleyball Player Paralyzed with Brain Damage After Brutal Spike by Trans Opponent Slams Olympics
The Paris Olympics erupted in controversy again on Thursday after a “biological man” easily “prevailed” in an Olympic boxing match by smacking around a much smaller and weaker woman for just under a minute. Find out more.
Dr. David Martin Shares His Piece In Regards To Bill Gates Altering The MRNA Vaccine
(He) Is A Sociopath Telling You That He Is Going To... Find out more.
It turns out that the World Health Organization, in its founding document (1946), EXEMPTED itself from criminal prosecution
Why would WHO need to give itself exemption from criminal prosecution? The answer is obvious: "The reason why they wrote that into their founding charter is because they knew they were ALREADY BREAKING the law." Find out more.
Twitter Video: Tucker Carlson on How the Election Changed After the Assassination Attempt
Tucker Carlson says former President Donald Trump has “won” the election follow his display of courage following the attempt on his life. Find out more.
Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other
Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer’s vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, joined a host of other scientists in arguing there is no sufficient evidence that either the COVID-19 virus or any other virus actually exists. Find out more.
Rob's Channel: One Site for Rob Skiba Media
Rob Skiba is an award winning documentary filmmaker and the best-selling author of several books including: Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last and Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim. Find out more.
Virtual House Church
Hello. My name is Rob Skiba. My wife Sheila and I are just simple people who love our Lord and Savior Yeshua. Find out more.
Pay Government and Corporate Bills with Cestui Que Trust
No one needs to pay using your private personal savings, out of pocket. Every BILL received is in the CAPITAL NAME TRUST where we all have $100s of millions available, but hidden from us by CEO’s, Banks, Insurance Companies, Government, ATO, Courts, Federal Reserve etc., all of whom know the truth. Find out more.
Settle your utility bills effortlessly
You can access the Trust and pay your ultility bills easily. I have done it and it has been accepted. Find out more.
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, The Worlds Lading Vaccinologist, is Finally Coming Clean about Vaccine Safety
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world's leading vaccinologist, is finally coming clean about the fact that vaccine safety has never been robustly studied as he has long claimed. Find out more.
Vaccine Choice Canada: Diseases and Vaccines
To assist in understanding of the disease conditions targeted by vaccines and the vaccine products offered to Canadians, the following summaries have been developed. These summaries are meant to give a high level overview of the disease condition and the related vaccine products. Links are included to gather more detailed information. Find out more.
Japan's Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as 'Evil Practices of Science
"...This isn't science! It's more akin to faith, hysteria, or even cult behavior, in my opinion..." Find out more.
Agenda 2030: The Great Reset Exposed! : Our Freedom Danger? NWO & WEF plans for 2022-2023 Hyperinflation – Food Shortage – Fuel Shortage
This book exposes the agenda of global elites and the coming reset of human civilization. Find out more.
Alarming Study Reveals Health Risks of Aluminum Toxicity
Aluminum, which performs no identifiable function in the human body, is not a nutrient. Yet, most of us consume this neurotoxic substance – or inhale its fumes or apply it to our skin – on a daily basis. Find out more.
Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective
Find out how you can live victorious & rise above every trial when you adopt a heavenly perspective. Find out more.
Danger of EMF - wifi, cell phones and leaky Brain syndrome
Protect yourself from 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market. Find out more.
The Real Dr. Judy
Welcome to Everything Dr. Judy - Nutritional FoudationN &Education. Find out more.
EMF Protection Devices Scientifically Proven EMF Protection Against the Harmful Effects of EMF Radiation. Yes, Aulterra EMF protection devices are scientifically proven, patented, and peer reviewed offering the best protection against the harmful effects of 5G and EMF radiation. Find out more.
Green Tea Extract (EGCG) and Cancer - New research on Epigallocatechin 3-gallate - 4 papers reviewed - big pharma is rushing human Clinical Trials. Why?
Majority of green tea’s positive effects on human health can be attributed to the high polyphenol and flavonoid content. Find out more.
Perverse incentives
We live in a world awash in perverse incentives. A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. Find out more.
While Canadian politicians try to runaway from their devilish actions-Hillier provides a detailed description on how the Ontario government knew they overreacted during the "pandemic," but were manipulated into promoting the Con Job. Find out more.
In this video, "4/8/2024 THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE - WARNING TO AMERICA", we will rediscover an ancient Biblical Pattern found in the book of Amos that exactly matches the judgments handed down to the Northern Kingdom of Israel that are set to repeat for America. Find out more.
Jonathan Cahn: The Bible Reveals the Mystery of Today's World
Jonathan Cahn joins Erick Stakelbeck on TBN's Praise to discuss the restoration and significance of Israel, as well as discussing the idea of Jubilee events. Listen as Jonathan Cahn encourages us to dig deep into the word to see all that the Bible has correctly predicted, and to see that everything God says is true. Find out more.
Tucker Carlson Talks To Colonel Douglas Macgregor About The Ukraine War
Tucker Carlson spoke with Colonel Douglas MacGregor about the ukraine war. find out more.
The Greg Reese Report
Reporter, historian, author, and broadcaster; Reese is one of the most trusted journalists of the post wikileaks era. Find out more.
Dr. Jason Dean – Globalists Announce AI Tracking INSIDE YOUR VEINS!
Dr. Jason Dean joins Maria Zeee to discuss a new announcement of a plan to introduce AI tracking inside human veins, transhumanism, and more. Find out more.
Smart Meters cutting off your power is no longer a conspiracy theory. It's already here!
QLD State-owned energy company Energex has begun turning off people’s power remotely via smart meters, in line with the WEF & UN’s plan to limit energy access on an ongoing basis. Find out more.
Year of the Dragon & The Esther Leap Year
In this video, "*WOW* Year of the Dragon & The Esther Leap Year", we will discover the mystery of the 4th symbol in I Pet Goat 2, the reindeer. Why? Because it's the exact puzzle piece for the Esther Rapture as it demonstrates how close you and I are to the rapture of the Body of Christ. Find out more.
Dr. William Makis on Pedophile Cover Up in BC & Alberta
The corrupt actions of the College of Physicians and Surgeons plus AHS and the despicable actions of Dr. Bonnie Henry need to be brought to account. Dr. William Makis outlines the cover-up of pedophiles, and the disturbing harm to children that comes from the very people who are supposed to protect them. Find out more.
Canada: The Grand Deception
On July 1st, 2017, Canada celebrated its 150th anniversary. Across the country there were fantastic celebrations, children with Canada flags painted on their cheeks, and proud Canadians dressing their cars in Canada flags. It had been 150 years since Canada confederated and became an independent country. But did it really? Find out more.
Justin Trudeau and his government used "hate science" to dictate pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Dr. Regina Watteel read over the Fisman study and was horrified at the lack of data that the government was using to torture... Find out more.
Dr. Jason Dean - New Micropatch Needle Agenda to Advance Transhumanism
Dr. Jason Dean joins Maria Zeee to expose the new "micropatch needles" which the globalists want to mandate in a never-ending cycle of "system upgrades" to advance transhumanism and synthetic biology. Find out more.
C.S. Lewis: Life Story of the Hope Bringer
Before he turned ten, his mother died of cancer. So a young C. S. Lewis turned his back on God and became a militant atheist. Find out more.
PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and child pornographers - exposing Canada's Healthcare Leaders - PART 2 - Child Sex Trafficking, Alberta Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and University of Alberta
The probe began in Victoria (British Columbia), where the police department there had been conducting an online investigation on a website that police said is known to host online chat rooms geared toward child sex. Find out more.
Freedom Lovers Canada
Freedom Lovers Canada is non-profit corporation whose Mission is threefold: 1) to educate Canadians about what is really going on, and what we must do about it; 2) to teach people how to run for political positions so we have non-compromised freedom lovers in power, and 3) to bypass the media's bullshit narratives and censorship with the latest and most important information. Find out more.
Breakthrough Discovery: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk
Retired American neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock recently gave an in-depth presentation on the adverse effects the spike proteins, induced by Covid-19 vaccination, have on the body. Find out more.
Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination. Find out more.
Waiting Patiently for The Blessing of the Lord
Time is fast running out and many are not seeing the prophetic significance of COP28. Find out more.
The Mark of the Beast Revealed
The Mark of the Beast Revealed - This video discusses the enigmatic Mark of the Beast - 666. Is it the barcode? Is it the RFID chip? What about the C0V!D jab? Or perhaps 666 is code for Nero Caesar? This video discusses these many options and lays out a Biblical case for what the Mark of the Beast actually is. Find out more.
Nothing is as it seems. But keep staring into your smartphone which makes you more stupid and ignorant each day you hold it in your hand. Find out more.
Celeste Solum Interviews Maria Zeee of Zeee Media, Awake and Arise US
Celeste Solum interviews Maria Zeee of Zeee Media, Awake and Arise US, about WBAN, Wireless Body Area Network, UN, Age of Global Enlightenment, AI, SynBio, BioDigital Convergence, Christian Faith, current events. Find out more.
How Many Times Has the Government Covered Up a Vaccine Disaster?
For more than a century, citizen activists have been forced to confront dangerous and ineffective 'emergency' vaccines the government refused to take off the market. Find out more.
Henry Kissinger: The war criminal who saved the world
Henry Kissinger, recognized by many as one of the most influential practitioners of American foreign policy ever, has died at the age of 100. Find out more.
Data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide
It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. Find out more.
Why I am now a Christian BY AYAAN HIRSI ALI
Atheism can't equip us for civilisational war. Find out more.
Airline Mayday Radio Calls Up 386% in 2023
SQUAWK 7700 is the airline radio code that indicates a serious issue onboard the aircraft. It can be input by pilots or instructed by Air Traffic Control, and it alerts controllers and ground crew to prepare for the arrival of the aircraft. Find out more.
Firebreathing Rob with Dr.William Makis - focus on solutions for the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated
Find out more.
BOMBSHELL: "Vaccine" Genetic Material is Integrating into Human DNA
What we can now prove without a shadow of a doubt is that these “vaccine” foreign DNA contaminants are integrating into the human genome via the lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery system. Find out more.
Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work
Image: C19 unvaccinated blood from 2 different individuals. First 4 syringes contain Alpha lipoic Acid, Glutathione, Plaquex and Control sample. Second Set contain Methylene Blue and Glutathione and a Control Sample. Find out more.
Todd Callender – Proof That Fake Governments Are Hacking Humans
Todd Callender joins Maria Zeee to present evidence of fake governments (with fake oaths of offices) are hacking humans, causing sicknesses, and plan to transition humans into “borgs.” Find out more.
The Greg Reese Report with Connor Boyack
Connor Boyack is the Author of Children's Books. Find out more.
The Dark Side of Public Health
How the Pharmaceutical Industry Captured Federal Health Agencies: Leslie Manookian. Find out more.
Rand Paul Issues Issues Stark Warning To Biden, Senate, & House About Ukraine Funding
On the Senate floor, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warns that he will not support more funding for Ukraine. Find out more.
Celeste Solum on synthetic biology, 5G activation and scary new HUMAN HYBRIDIZATION technologies
Find out more.
Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired To Silence Reiner Fuëllmich
Accuser connected to German Intelligence and pedophile cover-up. Find out more.
5G-Activated Zombie Apocalypse – Is It Coming?
A look into the U.S. military's work with controversial hidden technologies. Find out more.
God's Roadmap to the End
See Especially The RAPTURE Date - End Time Bible Prophecy FINALLY UNLOCKED - Part 1 and Countdown to The RAPTURE Date: Will You Be Left Behind? Part 2. Find out more.
Is McKinsey & Company the deep state?
I just finished reading When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm. It’s a revelation. Find out more.
Interview With Dr. Makis Re "EG5 Eris Variant" Translating To Demonic Goddess Of Chaos & Discord.
Talk about the newest propaganda, oddly named so called variant, and new scare campaign/media push to give everyone this new shot in clown Canada. Find out more.
CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine
Chicago Urban League took $100,000 bribe from Pfizer, betrayed the people they pretend to protect. Find out more.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – More Mass Deaths From Covid Kill Shots Still to Come!
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has had her medical licence suspended by the Board for “not complying” with their directives… except they refuse to tell her what the elusive “directives” actually are. Find out more.
Article of interest stats at 53.43 min Find out more.
Uncensored: Karen Kingston - BOMBSHELL! We Are Coming for the Bioweapon Pushers!!! Documents & Action
The words "biological and technological weapon" have finally made it to both law enforcement and local MSM in Florida. Karen Kingston joins us to share a comprehensive letter detailing references from Pfizer and government documents every citizen can use to commence criminal action. Find out more.
DNA IS IN jab could be completely infertile in next 5 yr + Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Caus
Find out more.
UN Take Over of Canadian Municipalities Mayor and Council Put on Notice
A restructuring of Canadian "mayors" by the United Nations started in 1992. This is a fraud of public/private partnerships. Find out more.
The Horror of Being Christian in Muslim Pakistan: Just One Month
There was absolutely no case. There was no proof against Noman, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the blasphemy allegation against him.... This is murder of justice. Find out more.
FRESHLY OVERLAID graphene oxide “nanobots” found in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines
An investigation into the manufacturing process of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines has uncovered evidence linking microscopic graphene oxide "nanobots" to potentially nightmarish consequences. Find out more.
Secret memo exposes plan to mislead public about the vaccine
Thanks to an unredacted memo from the Privy Council uncovered by Blacklock’s Reporter, we now know that the federal government, as early as May of 2021, instructed public health officials to downplay and skew data relating to adverse reactions and injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine in order to maintain confidence in the public health regime in Canada. Find out more.
Episode 441 - Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
We are in the middle of a world-changing war. This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. It's called fifth-generation warfare, and I'm here to tell you all about it. Find out more.
Synthetic Biology Webinar Module 3 by Celeste Solum
Module 3: Are You Eating Gene Edited Food Weapons? Find out more.
People’s Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies
The sixth generation of cell phone telephony plans to connect human brains to the internet. Find out more.
Celeste Solum – The End Game, Synthetic Biology EXPOSED!!!
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us to expose the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God’s natural creation with synthetic biology. Find out more.
The Crimes of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the darling of the MSM and Big Tech, was known as an international criminal even before his appointment to WHO Director General. Find out more.
Dr. Rima Laibow – Global Vaxx Pass LAUNCH, Rockefeller’s Exposed
Dr. Rima Laibow joins us to discuss how the globalists are moving forward at lightning speed to launch the global “health” pass, which will lock everyone into a permanent digital dictatorship powered by compliance with regular, ongoing injections. Find out more.
Eating Bugs and Insects? - By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
In the last few years, we’ve seen a growing push of what seems to be the destruction of our food supply. Find out more.
Brighteon University
Health Ranger announces launch of Brighteon University and its first bombshell documentary. Find out more.
Pfizer knew their vaxx didn’t work, caused heart attacks, and they sold it to the public anyway. Find out more.
BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film
A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. Find out more.
"Vaccinating" the food supply is how Bill Gates and other globalists plan to force-jab even the unvaccinated
According to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, animals that humans eat have inadequate genetics. And the only way to "fix" those genetics is to "vaccinate" said animals with new mRNA (messenger RNA) "vaccines." Watch below as Gates explains his desires for the animal kingdom: Find out more.
Christian MP shares Gospel with Parliamentarians
Nick Fletcher shares his faith in Jesus Christ with fellow MPs in a debate about the importance of Christianity to society. Find out more.
Uncensored: UN "Emergency Platform" Declares Antonio Guterres As Dictator of the WORLD!
Maria Zeee exposes a new UN document calling for the UN Secretary General to become the dictator of the world for ANY situation deemed a "crisis". The document proposes an automatic "Emergency Platform" demanding accountability for anyone not in compliance. Find out more.
Canada Taking Food Freedom Away From The People Through NEW Mass Digital Tracking Program
The drip drip drip and slow boil continues on the Canadian people. Orwell's warning continues to come to fruition through the Trudeau & NDP nightmare alliance. Where's the Beef? Just ask the government. Find out more.
Uncensored: EU Makes INSANE Proposals to the WHO Treaty/IHR!
Maria Zeee breaks down the INSANE proposals just made by the EU to both the WHO Treaty/IHR after being joined by James Roguski on the topic. Find out more.
Bailiwick News
Bailiwick News is an independent newspaper I founded in January 2016 to offer in-depth, long-form, contextualized investigative reporting and critical analysis of Centre County, Pennsylvania public affairs. Find out more.
Rodney Palmer's explosive testimony before the Citizen's Inquiry is showing not only proof that the CBC and other media organizations have become completely corrupted, but the actual mechanisms and means on how that corruption happened. This is damning, and precisely the kind of evidence that will be presented in crimes against humanity trials. Find out more.
This is a senior, former police officer in the state of NSW. His message applies to EVERY politician (Federal and State) and EVERY doctor/nurse in Australia who has not publicly revealed the truth or voiced their opposition to the criminal behaviour of ‘public servants’ and hundreds more in the medical field over the (now proven) CoVID hoax of the last 3 years. Find out more.
Never Again is Now Global - Five-part Docuseries
Until now, comparing the Covid Vaccine to Nazi Germanys Nuremberg Trials was Shot Down. This Series Will Change That!!! Find out more.
Colonel Douglas Macgregor sits down with Stephen Gardner to update us on the Ukraine Russia war. Ukraine will be destroyed as Putin prepares massive 300,000 person advancement. Can Ukraine beat Putin? Can Nato beat Putin? Did NATO want this war? Will the US trigger world war 3 in order to prop up Biden and his white house? Find out more.
Is the King compromised?
The Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort takes place on Saturday, May 6th. The King will take the Royal Oath, but will it be the correct one, or is there something else going on? Find out more.
12 Year Old Girl Destroys Concept of 15 Minute Cities
12 Year Old Girl Makes Some Good Points about 15 Minute Cities. Find out more.
Pharma Corruption: Injuries + The Path Towards Healing — Presented by Paul Marik, M.D.
The Path Forward. Uniting to create a better world. Find out more.
STOP Trudeau's Censorship Bill! -- Contact Canada's MPs NOW!
Elite politicians are doing everything in their power to silence ordinary, freedom-loving Canadians into submission, and nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the introduction of Bill C-11 -- legislation that would attack free speech in our country by way of intrusive new web regulations. Find out more.
We Have Been Lied To About Every Part of the COVID Pandemic, Warns Dr. Michael Yeadon
Former chief scientist & vice-president of the allergy & respiratory research division of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, joined The Alex Jones Show to raise alarm over how the public was lied to on every aspect of the Covid pandemic: Find out more.
Since 1977, AFA has been on the front lines of America’s culture war. The original name of the ministry was National Federation for Decency but was changed to American Family Association in 1988. Find out more.
WHO secretly discusses changes to existing international law
Appointed health experts and bureaucrats discuss amendments to international health regulations this week during secret, backdoor discussions. Find out more.
Scott Ritter: Russia is on the right side of history
Former UN weapons inspector and US Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter speaks at the Community Church of Boston, about the conflict in Ukraine, US-Russia relations, and his most recent book Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union. Find out more.
Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents
This list only includes patents from 1891-2003. I will be publishing the rest of the list (2004-present) soon! Find out more.
The Irrefutable Case for a Fossil Future
If we want a world in which all 8 billion of us have the opportunity to flourish—to live long, healthy, prosperous, fulfilling lives—we need more, not less, fossil fuel. A summary of Fossil Future. Find out more.
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Find out more.
The End of American Exceptionalism
Jeffrey Sachs sits down with Rob Johnson to discuss his new book, A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (Columbia University Press, 2018). Find out more.
Dr. Peter McCullough at Senator Johnson’s Meeting “We need immediate funding for vaccine injury centers”
Senator Ron Johnson, incoming ranking member of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, held a roundtable discussion this Wednesday, December 7th in Washington DC, “COVID-19 Vaccines: What they Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries”. Find out more.
Hotze Health and Wellnmess Center
Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Find out more.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
The VSRF’s mission is to advance COVID-19 vaccine safety through scientific research, public education, and advocacy, and to support the vaccine injured. Find out more.
Just Right Media
Just Right Media’s anchor is the radio program Just Right; a weekly hour-long presentation of events and issues from the perspective of individualism and capitalism. Find out more.
Joel Richardson Website
Joel Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author, teacher, and film-maker. Find out more.
50 groups target Bill Gates on farming and technology: 'You are part of creating the very problem you name'
Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues are calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty. Find out more.
Jordan Peterson slams Qantas for its 'land propaganda' by playing Acknowledgement of Country on flights and orders national carrier to 'stick to flying'
Canadian psychologist and media personality Dr Jordan Peterson has called on Qantas to "stick to flying and making money" over the airline's "land acknowledgement propaganda". Find out more.
Solve your health issues naturally with these science-backed home remedies
Alternative medicines, such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy and Chinese or Oriental medicine, have used organic plants, herbs, nuts and even fruits and vegetables to treat a myriad of illnesses for centuries. Find out more.
Find out more.
The New World Order Has Officially Just Captured Vancouver , BC, Canada As It Moves Forward With United Nations Worldwide Agenda
Ready to lose your land and home and all of the $ you put into it? UNDRIP is giving the land back, and you will have no nest egg, even though you paid for it and paid taxes on it. Vancouver falls first. Find out more.
Industrial Hygienist and PPE expert Stephen Petty’s presentation to the New Hampshire Senate and Human Services Committee in March of 2022. What Stephen Petty presents here makes a complete mockery of what we’re being told about masks. Find out more.
Find out more.
This is why the Netherlands has banned David Icke from entering the country… deeming him a level 3 terrorist… because he exposed Mark Rutte and the WEF plans. Find out more.
Dr. Sam White
No more suffering with debilitating symptoms, endless referrals, prescriptions that only mask the problem, or being in the dark about the cause. Work with a professional who genuinely cares and specialises in chronic illness. Find out more.
Brighteon Video: Worldwide Exclusive - Guest, Dr. Bryan Ardis was Wrong - Not 2 Snake Venoms, Many More - Dr. Jane Ruby
Find out more.
UK Column Video: Agenda 2030 — Part 1
For one mother, a brief meeting with Bill Gates led to conducting a dedicated investigation of the Global Biodiversity Assessment: over 1,000 pages detailing a dystopian plan for the world. Join Sandi Adams as she exposes this world plan, now better known as Agenda 2030, and hear why she warns it must be stopped.
UK Column Video: Agenda 2030 — Part 2
In Agenda 2030 — Part 2, Sandi Adams exposes the details of the declared globalist Agenda 2030 plan to control every aspect of our lives. We need to understand that nothing is safe from globalist control: not health, education, justice, food and water, gender, energy, economies, cities, land, sea nor air.
UK Column Video: Agenda 2030 — Part 3
In the final part of her analysis of Agenda 2030, Sandi Adams identifies the ultimate plan. The élites will own everything, and every man, woman and child is to be connected to the metaverse—an artificial world where data is everything and the human mind is merged with the computer. Can’t be true? Join us to find out.
The day that EUROPE DIED – BASF announces “permanent” output reductions that will set off catastrophic supply chain collapse for the western world
I warned that if natural gas supplies were not abundant in Europe — and to BASF in particular — that fertilizer production would plummet, and there would not be enough fertilizer to grow the crops to feed the world. Find out more.
Patent Reveals VAXX is "Obedience" Training Platform. Find out more.
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils PATENTS and documents describing the covid vaccine 5G link, biosynthetic AI nanotech, “soft actuators” and NEUROWEAPONS implanted with needles
Few people have conducted as much research into the mRNA injections — dare not call them “vaccines” — as Karen Kingston, a biotech analyst who previously conducted contract work for Pfizer, J&J, Thermo Fisher and other corporations. Find out more.
Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine
Judicial Watch releases bombshell documents exposing deep state’s involvement with media in the biggest propaganda campaign in history. Find out more.
Neil Oliver - ' enslavement is coming...'
…how did we get from ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ in 1939 to a perpetual state of pant wetting anxiety in 2022?’ Find out more.
Merritt Medical Hour: Liberty is birthed and protected in the pulpit, says Pastor Dan Fisher – Brighteon.TV
Wonderful interview showing how the pulpit births liberty. Find out more.
Karen Kingston has found another patent that she says is critical for understanding the real truth about the Covid “vaccines.”
Rising Tide Foundation
The Rising Tide Foundation is a non-profit organisation based out of Montreal Canada dedicated to the enhancement of cross-cultural understanding and dialogue between east and west. Find out more.
Brighteon Video: Pastor Stan Johnson from Prophecy Club warns about dollar collapse and Mark of the Beast
Find out more.
The College Fix
The Student Free Press Association is a nonprofit organization run by veteran journalists to help beginning journalists. With our higher-education news website, The College Fix, we work with college-aged writers with the purpose of identifying and supporting young people who seek to improve campus journalism, explore careers in the media, and commit themselves to the principles of a free society. Find out more.
Brighteon Video entitled "Mel K tells Mike Adams the worldwide REVOLT against globalist tyranny has begun"
Find out more.
Brighteon Video: EXPOSED: Klaus Schwab's school for COVID dictators - planning for "The Great Reset"
How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top. Find out more.
Life Site News Video: Abp. Viganò: Globalist doctrine is essentially ‘satanic’; we must ‘rebuild’ Christendom
'Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord.' Find out more.
The Canadian Patriot
Mankind is at a crossroads defined by two opposing paradigms. Either continue to hold onto the traditions of oligarchism which has defined our struggle for existence based upon a rule of the jungle "each against all"outlook for far too long, or embrace our higher nature as a species of creative reason whose purpose and values are not looked for in "how we feel about ourselves in the present" but rather what we create and leave behind for future generations to build ever more upon.. Find out more.
When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe
July 8 was a muggy day in the ancient capital of Japan. Shinzo Abe, the most powerful figure
in Japanese politics, was delivering a stump speech for a local Liberal Democratic Party candidate in front of the Nara Kintetsu railway station when suddenly a loud bang rang out, followed by an odd cloud of smoke. Find out more.
A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals
From 1 January 2018 came into force Regulation (EU) 2015/2238 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015, introducing the concept of “novel foods”, including insects and their parts. Find out more.
Vaccinated individuals are “infecting” the unvaccinated with dangerous graphene oxide, says biomedicine expert
Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen, one of the original experts to find damage from the blood due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, found that unvaccinated individuals have graphene and self-assembling nanoparticles in their blood – a manifestation of shedding from those who took the shots. Find out more.
At the Betterway Conference 2022 in Bath UK, the High Wire's host Del Bigtree talked to Sara Haboubi about his Emmy award winning film 'Vaxxed' and his work exposing the damage caused by vaccines , the CDC and the FDA. Find out more.
Reignite Democracy Australia
Our Vision: “A strong, free and independent Australia”. To empower people by giving them a collective voice and providing honest, timely, and truthful information. Find out more.
RebelNews Link: Christine Anderson on the Dutch Farmers' Rebellion and Europe's impact on the world
Christine Anderson is a member of the European Parliament for Germany. Find out more.
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass. “Examining media narratives, propaganda, mass control, politics, psychology, history, philosophy & health with a focus on COVID to unmask totalitarianism.”
The reality of the unfolding democide and progression to one-world dictatorship: Evidence documenting the depopulation agenda dating back to the Club of Rome 1971 Predicament of Mankind Project and 1974 Kissinger Report and up through the present-day “prophecies” of Yuval Noah Harari. Find out more.
Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia
Environmentalists have long promoted renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms to save the climate. But what about when those technologies destroy the environment? In this provocative talk, Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment” and energy expert, Michael Shellenberger explains why solar and wind farms require so much land for mining and energy production, and an alternative path to saving both the climate and the natural environment. Find out more.
Update on the New “American Jesuits” Documentary by Adullam Films
We recently interviewed Dr. Ronald Cooke of Truth International Ministries, along with Steve Matthews of the Trinity Foundation, and are planning to interview Timothy Kauffman, who edited the great book called “Geese in Their Hoods”. Find out more.
Canada's Airports are Overwhelmed — Is This Part of Trudeau's Build Back Better?
Allowing airports to rehire unvaccinated staff is one way that Trudeau could immediately improve the experience of flying for Canadians. Why isn't he jumping to fix this? Find out more.
The Expose
The Exposé was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstream media, and a lack of alternatives which report only the facts. Find out more.
Brighteon Video: Dr. Rima Laibow Details The Facts - 90 Percent Of The World Population Will Die Under The Globalist Neo Feudal Genocide Agenda
Dr. Rima Laibow is the doctor who blew the whistle to Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura in 2009, advising there would be a future pandemic where the globalists would depopulate the world by 90% through vaccines. Find out more.
BitChute Video: Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger on Graphene Oxide, Parasites, and Transistors Found in Vaccines
New evidence on Vaccines. Find out more.
An Inconvenient Reality by Probably Alexandra
This video chronicles the ancient occult philosophy “from dark to light”, the ‘powers that be’ who implement it, and how it directly affects reality today. Find out more.
The Liberty Man John Moore warns Mike Adams about China's impending INVASION of the United States
Find out more.
INTERVIEW with creators of bombshell docu-series "Propaganda Exposed"
The long-awaited bombshell “Propaganda Exposed” docu-series launches tomorrow at Featuring interviews with 30+ top truth-tellers, whistleblowers and pro-freedom analysts, the series blows the lid on how government and corporate media use lies, disinformation and propaganda to terrorize humanity and enslave the world. Find out more.
Just ask yourself: Which other leader anywhere in the world has ever voluntarily HALVED his own salary and given the other half to worthy causes? Magufuli did that, and a lot more besides, throughout his entire five-and-a-half-years’ presidency.
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The 2020 Economic Crisis: Global Poverty, Unemployment, Despair
Find out more.
C0VlD Lawsuit Video Update
Dr. David Martin just sat down with Patrick Gentempo here in the studio… And he gave us exclusive BREAKING NEWS about the lawsuit that’s just been filed against…Joe Biden (yes, THAT Joe Biden), the director of the HHS, the Medicare and Medicaid directors, and the CMS mandate directors. Here’s a clip where he explains the legal argument against the heavy handed approaches by the government to FORCE injections. Find out more.
Snake Venom and COVID-19 - by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
In some circles an insane amount of attention was paid this week to the theories of a chiropractor previously celebrated for speaking out on the fraudulent Remdesivir saga in the US. Here is my take. Find out more.
Stop World Control
Experts & lawyers present evidence to a grand jury, of agenda for world tyranny under the guise of pandemics. Find out more.
Dr. David Martin Video: The Covid Treasonous Acts
Find out about the COVID-19 virus as a bio-weapon. Find out more.
Global Research Article: Join the Battle to End Slavery by Vaccines and 5G
The drive to implement 5G microwave electronic broadcast across the United States, and around the world, as a follow up to the push for the COVID-19 vaccines that contain nano-devices and the electricity-responsive toxin graphene oxide, is an indication that we are about to enter the next stage of this war. Find out more.
Druthers Newspaper
Canada's New, FREE, Alternative Newspaper... Because Mainstream Media, Sucks! Find out more.
Freedom Travel Alliance
We are building a new ecosystem that respects the right to movement and travel without discrimination for all of our community members. Find out more.
The Best of the Corbett Report
Although this list is necessarily partial and arbitrary, it provides a window into the type of work that The Corbett Report does and the vast range of topics that I cover. Find out more.
World Doctors Alliance
An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity. Find out more.
Nations in Action
Nations in Action is global leader in developing solutions for eliminating government corruption. Find out more.
Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation. Find out more.
Doctors All Over The World URGENT Warnings Of Taking The Covid 19 Vaccine. Find out more.
Corona Investigative Committee
However, as is becoming increasingly clear, the government’s Corona measures have caused massive social, psychological, health, cultural and economic collateral damage. Find out more.
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Get the latest COVID-19 Reports and Protocols to Protect Yourself and your loved ones. Find out more.
Former Pfizer VP warns booster shot is an extermination weapon to mass murder human beings
Former Pfizer VP warns booster shot is an extermination weapon to mass murder human beings Find out more.
YouTube: Mandatory PCR testing is a criminal offence in Canada
Mandatory PCR testing is a criminal offence in Canada. Find out more.
Dr. Robert Young: CDC NOW Admits NO 'Gold Standard' for the Isolation for ANY Virus!
CDC NOW Admits NO 'Gold Standard' for the Isolation for ANY Virus! Find out more.
Children's Health Defence
The Children’s Health Defense Team is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Find out more.
J.R. Nyquist Blog
J.R. Nyquist has written for Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times. He is author of the book Origins of the Fourth World War, The New Tactics of Global War and The Fool and His Enemy. Find out more.
5 Reasons to Stockpile Food
Visit this page of A Final Warning to learn about 5 Reasons to Stockpile Food. Find out more.
The Corbett Report
The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. Find out more.
Millions Against Medical Mandates (MAMM.ORG)
Critical Information Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccines. Find out more.
Armstrong Economics Blog
Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Find out more.
The Last American Vagabond
Ice Age Farmers
A resource for our community as we map a path forward to prosperity, build resilient, self-sufficient communities, and share knowledge in the Grand Solar Minimum. Find out more.
Video from Global Research about Corona Virus
COVID and the Vaccine: Truth, Lies, and Misconceptions Revealed
True North
True North Centre for Public Policy is a registered Canadian charity. We are an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan organization that conducts research and investigative journalism into important public issues in Canada, including, but not limited to, immigration, integration and national security.
American Minute
Listen to this interview between South West Radio Ministries and Bill Federer about Immigration.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson interviewed with Anna Brees of Brees Media(PDF)
The embedded video is a short very succinct video condemning politicians, bureaucrats, media, & medicine in the handling of the COVID FLU. Find out more.
The Fleming Method
EVENT 2021- The Published Science on SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19. Virus - Vaccines - Treatments. Live. Find out more.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
From 9/11 Anthrax to the Pandemic - A Free Global Live Event. The Corona Plandemic and the International Legal Approach. Find out more.
Platform of The Peoples Party of Canada
Maxime Bernier is known as a dependable politician who speaks his mind. A man of ideas, his belief in personal responsibility and freedom is at the heart of his political vision. Find out more.
Links: Category: Outreach
<Back To Jerusalem
Many mistake the idea of Back to Jerusalem as a movement of the Chinese church to evangelize Jerusalem. However, Back to Jerusalem is the goal of the Chinese church to evangelize the unreached peoples from eastern provinces of China, westwards towards Jerusalem.
Asian Harvest
Asia Harvest is an inter-denominational Christian ministry working in China and other nations of Asia. We work alongside Asian church leaders, including house church leaders in China, helping and equipping them to focus on reaching the lost.
Save the Mothers
Reducing the number of mothers dying in childbirth and pregnancy related complications you must do more than train health professionals.
Leprosy Mission Canada
Ministering in the name of Jesus to heal the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people living in the poorest countries in the world.
Open Air Campaigners
An international and interdenominational mission which has been taking the good news of Jesus Christ to those outside the church since 1892.
Partners International (Christian Nation)
As people of faith, Partners International reaches out with the hands of Jesus to touch people in need, bringing health, justice and economic hope to their communities.
The Peoples Gospel Hour
A radio and literature ministry dedicated to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved world.
Shantymen SCA International
SCA International exists to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of North America whose circumstances do not provide them easy or traditional access to the Church for any number of reasons, including social, emotional, physical and cultural isolation.
SIM wants to “glorify God by planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world as we: evangelize the unreached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches, and equip churches to fulfill Christ's commission.”
Spirit Alive TV Ministries
Bringing, Hope & Healing to Our Nation, especially the First Nations People.
Reaching People with the Gospel of Messiah
Fueling the hope. Fuel is the life blood of the ministry of Logos Hope.
Ezra Institute
The Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity is an evangelical Christian organization committed to the training and equipping of Christians in the areas of Christian apologetics, missiology, and the cultural mandate.
Links: Category: Petitions & Fund Raising
The world’s platform for change. Stop Scientific Censorship Via the Backdoor - Hold Journals Accountable. Find out more!
Links: Category: Roman Catholicism
Canadian Protestant League
Endeavours to show that salvation is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Chick Publications
Publishing cartoon gospel tracts and equipping Christians for evangelism for over 40 years.
Chick Publications Comics
Read these publications of comics about Roman Catholicism from Chick Publications.
Berean Beacon Articles
Read these publications of comics about Roman Catholicism from Berean Beacon.
Roman Catholic Beliefs
This website helps Catholics see how what the Roman popes and priests teach, is contrary to Scripture, and it is a false Gospel message. Find out more.
Links: Category: Salvation
Fellowship of Chistian Farmers, International
The purpose of the Fellowship of Christian Farmers (FCFI) is to build, maintain, and strengthen faith in God for the farmer, the farm family, and the farming industry through presenting Jesus Christ asLord and Savior.
Bible Believers' Evangelistic Association
Proclaiming Jesus Christ - God's Provision for Man's Salvation.
Freedom In Christ
Freedom in Christ Ministries helps us understand that the Christian life is first and foremost
about who God has called us to be in Christ.
Links: Category: Under Investigation
What on Earth Happened: Part 1 - Turning Inwards
Watch Part 1 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 2 - Of Maps and Musicians
Watch Part 2 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 3 - Flattening the Curve
Watch Part 3 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 4 - Vanishing Points & the Old Clock
Watch Part 4 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 6 - The New World Order worships Satan
Watch Part 6 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 8 - The Looking Glass
Watch Part 8 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 10 - The Energetic Earth
Watch Part 10 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 11 - The Bumblebee and the Hexagon
Watch Part 11 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 12 - Stranger than Fiction
Watch Part 12 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
What on Earth Happened: Part 13 - Down the Rabbit Hole
Watch Part 13 of What on Earth Happened Video Series
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 1: Buried in Plain Sight
Watch Part 1 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 2: A Lens into the Past
Watch Part 2 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 3: Inheritors of Mud & Magnificence
Watch Part 3 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 4: Back to the Future
Watch Part 4 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 5: The Whispering of the Water
Watch Part 5 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 6: Offerus and the Alchemist
Watch Part 6 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Part 7: The Known World
Watch Part 7 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The Lost History of Flat Earth: Volume 2 - Part 1: The Two Books of Mankind
Watch Volume 2 - Part 1 of The Lost History of Flat Earth. It offers an interesting alternative to the current “accepted” history, geography and space theories.
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time?
Moon is a mirror! Find out more.
We are pleased to announce the creation of a new website dedicated to the advancement of Primary Water. Find out more.