Job Thirty Three
by Dr. Henry M. Morris
(taken from the Defender's Study Bible)
Job 33:1 Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.
Job 33:2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.
Elihu. Elihu was considerably younger than Job and his three friends (Job 32:4, 6), and seems to have come to observe Job's situation because of its theological interest. He was evidently from a pious familyhis name seems to mean “Jehovah is God” and his father's name, Barachel, means “Blessed be God.” As a novice theologian, he was spiritually minded, with a high conception of God's majesty and righteousness, but understood little of His grace and redemptive love. Although the terms “Buzite” and “Ram” are difficult to identify, it is possible that Buz was Abraham's nephew (Genesis 22:21), and that the Buzite family was a unit in the tribe descended from Aram (assuming Ram is the same as Aram), one of the sons of Shem (Genesis 10:22-23). Since Uz was a son of Aram, this would make Elihu a distant relative of Job's. All this is uncertain but, in any case, Elihu lived in some region not too far from Uz, in order to be present to listen to the dialogue between Job and his three friends.
Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
Job 33:5 If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up.
Job 33:6 Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay.
Job 33:7 Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee.
Job 33:8 Surely thou hast spoken in mine hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words, saying,
inspiration. Elihu is claiming that his words were divinely inspired, an attitude resulting probably from youthful arrogance against the older generation (an attitude not altogether absent among modern theological students!). His wordy exposition of the whole situation, aside from his own extended boasting, consists mostly of rephrasing the same charges made by Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Since these arguments were wrong (Job 42:7), it is absurd for Elihu to have claimed his were inspired by God.
Job 33:9 I am clean without transgression, I am innocent; neither is there iniquity in me.
Job 33:10 Behold, he findeth occasions against me, he counteth me for his enemy,
Job 33:11 He putteth my feet in the stocks, he marketh all my paths.
Job 33:12 Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
Job 33:13 Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.
Job 33:14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
Job 33:16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
Job 33:17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
Job 33:18 He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.
the spirit within me. Whatever or whoever this “spirit” animating young Elihu may have been, it was not God's Holy Spirit, for Elihu's spirit “inspired” him merely to repeat the same old false charges against Job that had been originated by the wicked spirit in Eliphaz (Job 4:15). They were reworded and given a few new wrinkles, but they were basically the same lies.
Job 33:20 So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat.
Job 33:22 Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers.
Job 33:25 His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth:
Job 33:28 He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
Job 33:29 Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man,
Job 33:30 To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living.
Job 33:31 Mark well, O Job, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I will speak.
Job 33:32 If thou hast any thing to say, answer me: speak, for I desire to justify thee.
Job 33:33 If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom.