Appendix 2: Creation versus Evolution as Worldviews

by Dr. Henry M. Morris:

(taken from the Defender's Study Bible)

The origins controversy is not fundamentally a scientific issue, but rather a life-and-death struggle between the only two basic worldviews, each embracing the origin, destiny and meaning of the cosmos and all things in the cosmos—material, biological, and spiritual.

Comparison of the Two Worldviews

Creation Evolution
  1. Self-existing eternal Creator
  2. Cosmos created by divine fiat
  3. Basic systems completed in the past by supernatural processes
  4. Net changes in created systems “downward” toward disorganization
  1. Self-originating or self-existing cosmos
  2. Cosmos organized by itself
  3. All systems developed by still-continuing natural processes
  4. Net changes in evolving systems “upward” toward higher organization

Since each model of origins entails a comprehensive worldview, embracing the whole of reality, each is basically philosophical or, better, religious. The canard that evolution is science and creation is religion is obviously false, since it is impossible for scientists actually to observe or repeat unique events of the past. Evolution is based on the premise of naturalism, not science. In fact, evolution is the underlying premise (either atheism or pantheism, both of which preclude true creation) of more religions than creation. Note the tabulation below.

Comparison of the Two Worldviews

Creation Evolution
  • Biblical Christianity
  • Orthodox Judaism
  • Orthodox Islam
  • Net changes in created systems “downward” toward disorganization
  • Non-Biblical Christianity (liberalism, esoteric cults, etc.)
  • Non-Orthodox Judaism (Reform Judaism, Nationalistic Zionism) Orthodox Islam
    Non-Orthodox Islam Ancient Pagan Religions (Babylon, Greece, Rome, Egypt, etc.)
    New-Age Mysticism (Witchcraft, Goddess Worship, Satanism, etc.)
    Hinduism (incl. Sikhism, Jainism, etc.)
  • Confucianism

Of the three creationist religions, only Biblical Christianity acknowledges that the Creator must also become the Redeemer and Savior. Thus Islam and Judaism, relying on human works (in addition to faith in the Creator), become humanistic in effect. All others are basically evolutionary religions, assuming an eternal space-time cosmos, the intrinsic processes of which (often personified as various gods and goddesses) have developed the cosmos into its present form.

Fruits of the Two Worldviews

The Lord Jesus Christ said: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” (Matthew 7:18). By this test, the evolution “tree” is certainly corrupt, for its “fruit” has been uniformly evil. Note the following list of harmful philosophies and evil practices. The leading advocates of these philosophies have in every case based their pseudo-scientific rationale on evolutionism.

Evolutionist Fruits

Harmful Philosophies Evil Practices
Social Darwinism
Drug Culture

The above list could be extended. On the other hand, true Biblical creationism has produced good fruits. Consider the following:

Creationist Fruits

Wholesome Human Social Relationships

  • Monogamous marriage was established by God with first human couple (Genesis 2:21-25; Matthew 19:4-6).
  • Dominion mandate established human stewardship of man under God over the physical and animal creation, viewing every honorable occupation as a service to God (Genesis 1:26-28; Colossians 3:23).
  • Human government ordained to maintain order in society (Genesis 9:1-7; Romans 13:1-7) as service to the Creator.

True Science

  • Founding fathers of modern science (Newton, Kepler, Boyle, etc.) were creationists, “thinking God's thoughts after Him.”
  • Scientific method based on premise of orderly creation, capable of being understood and described rationally, because designed by intelligent Creator.

True Education

  • Transmitting truth learned via obedience to dominion mandate from one generation to another, thereby “subduing” the earth.
  • Declaration of Independence assumes American freedom required by obedience to Creator (e.g., “all men created equal”).
  • Background of the U.S. Constitution based on English common law, which was derived mainly from Scripture, and efforts of many Bible-believing founding fathers.

True Christianity—every major doctrine and practice based on creationist foundation

  • Christology—Christ as Creator (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16; etc.).
  • Gospel—founded “everlastingly” on God first as Creator (e.g., Revelation 14:6, 7), then as incarnate saving Word.
  • Saving faith—centered first of all on God's work as Creator (Hebrews 10:38-11:3).
  • Sound evangelism—note John's example, along with his purpose in writing his gospel (John 20:30, 31; 1:1-12).
  • Sound missionary effort—see Paul's example (Acts 14:1, 15-17; 17:2-4, 23-34).
  • Fellowship (Ephesians 3:8-12).
  • Christian life (Colossians 3:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • Christian home and family (Matthew 19:3-6).
  • Biblical revelation and inerrancy (Psalm 119:89, 90; Hebrews 1:1, 2).
  • Redemption (1 Peter 1:18-21; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2).


The true worldview is not evolutionary humanism, as taught in the majority of the world's educa-tional institutions, but Biblical creationism, centered in the Lord Jesus Christ as Creator, Redeeming Savior, and coming King and Lord of all.