Front Cover of Is Anyone There Leaflet
Title Graphic: Is Anyone There

Here we are on the tiny planet in the vast universe. Are we alone, or are there other inhabited planets out there somewhere? For many years the SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) programme has been running at a cost of millions of pounds. Radio telescopes have been pointed at the heavens in the hope of detecting non-random signals, which would be interpreted as coming from an intelligence source. Yet so far, no such signals have been detected.

Picture of a Radio TelescopeSome scientists still hold out hopes that extra-terrestrial life may exist within our own solar system. A piece of rock claimed to have come from Mars was believed to contain micro-fossils, but further research has convinced most experts that the markings are not fossils after all. One of Jupiter's moons — Europa — is covered with ice, which has a network of cracks. There has been speculation that a vast ocean is hidden beneath the ice, in which life could have evolved, and there are plans to send a probe to Europa, which would penetrate this thick layer of surface ice.

We need to recognize how much speculation is involved in this search. We do not even know if there is water beneath Europa's surface ice!

Picture of a Jupiter and Its MoonsMost space scientists have set their hopes on other planets in the universe. Here we need to take note of the fact that most claims to have discovered new planets have been based on observations of wobbling stars, and orbiting planets are just one possible explanation. On at least one location a wobbling telescope was found to be the cause! And when we consider the very special conditions which make life possible on earth, even if other planets do exist, the discovery of an earth-like planet seems incredibly unlikely.

Title Graphic: A Very Desirable Residence

Before getting carried away by speculation about life on other planets, it is good to consider some of the special features which make our own planet habitable.

Picture of the Earth Being Flooded As A Result Of Being LargerTHE EARTH'S SIZE: Our planet's diameter is 8,000 miles. If it varied 10 0.000000e-01ither way, life would be possible. At 7,200 miles it would be unable to retain an atmosphere for any length of time, and would become a frozen waste. At 8,800 miles the weight of the atmosphere would double, increasing the total amount of water and probably inundating the entire planet.

Picture of the Earth Being ColdORBIT AND ROTATION: Our planet's orbital period of 365.25 days, and axial tilt of the 23.5? gives us our four seasons. A longer or shorter year would not allow the right growth periods for crops. Contrast Uranus, with its orbital period of 84 years, or Mercury, with only 88 days! The earth's 24-hour rotation period is also convenient: a longer interval would result in excessive day-time heating, and night-time temperatures would plunge to life-destroying levels. Most other planets in our solar system have much longer or shorter rotational periods, ranging from Saturn's 10 hours to Venus's 243 days!

DISTANCE FROM SUN: The earth's average distance from the sun — 93 million miles — seems just right. Contrast our planets average temperature of 15?C, with Venus's 470?C., or the chilly — 50?C. of Mars. A relatively small rise in average temperature would result in massive floods engulfing many of our major cities. Planet earth exists in a narrow band between uninhabitable extremes.

ATMOSPHERE: Whilst the atmospheres of the other planets in our solar system consist largely of poisonous gases, with only traces of oxygen, earth's atmosphere has 211xygen, which appears to be an ideal percentage. A greater amount — say 50%— would make our planet highly inflammable, but if the level were only 10%, fire would not burn. The oxygen in our atmosphere also maintains the ozone layer which acts as a shield against harmful radiation which would destroy all life.

As contrast our planet, teeming with life, with the other barren and lifeless members of the suns family, we must ask the question is this by accident — or design?

Title Graphic: False Assumptions

Why do so many scientists believe that life exists on other planets? It is because they have made a number of false assumptions. The first false assumption is that there must be other earth-like planets in the universe, even though there is not a shred of evidence for their existence.

The second false assumption is that if the right atmosphere conditions existed, life would arise spontaneously from non-living matter. Long ago, scientists such as Pasteur and Redi established the Law of Biogenesis. Real, observable science says that life only comes from life.

Pasteur Quote

The third false assumption is that once life became established on a planet, it would evolve into ever higher and higher forms, eventually arriving at intelligent beings similar to humans. However, there is no proof that life has evolved here on earth, so why should it do so elsewhere? The fossil record reveals that there were no transitional forms linking the different kinds of animals and plants, and breeding experiments have failed to produce such changes in living organisms. Natural selection can re-organise existing genetic information, but cannot create new information, and without this evolution is impossible.

If we can't arise from non-living matter, and evolution from one kind to another is impossible, life must have been created in the beginning by an all-powerful Creator-God who is outside of space and time. In the absence of a credible alternative, it is unreasonable to dismiss the Genesis account of creation as an unscientific myth. The Bible gives no hint that organic life exists elsewhere in the universe — but even if it did, it would have to have been created because it couldn't just happen!

Title Graphic: We Are Not Alone

Picture of the Man Looking at the Stars with a TelscopeGazing into the vastness of space, with its myriad stars and galaxies, can fill our minds with a sense of wonder — and loneliness. But the wonderful truth is that we are not alone in the universe! In their search for life 'out there', most researchers have missed the most important evidence — that there is a Mind behind it all. There is overwhelming evidence that our universe was designed and that it must have had a beginning. 3,500 years ago a man called David wrote: 'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.' (Psalm 19:1). As space research advances, and telescopes penetrate deeper into the vastness of the universe, the case for belief in a Creator because more and more compelling.

But, although we can learn something of the power of the Creator by observing the universe, what about His character? God has given us additional revelation to show what kind of God He is. In the Bible we read that He is both a holy and loving, and the extent of His love was revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Down through history, millions of people have not only discovered that there is 'someone there', but have come to know Him as a Heavenly Father and Friend. This is the greatest discovery anyone can ever make!

An Astronomers View
Title Graphic: The Visited Planet

The idea that intelligent aliens may visit us, or that we may encounter extraterrestrials elsewhere, excites many people. Yet there is something even more exciting — the Creator of the universe visiting planet earth! And it has already happened! However, this visitation was not by a space ship or flying saucer, but through the birth of a tiny baby in a manger. The birth of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago was the time that earth became the visited planet! The Bible says of Him: 'He was with God in the beginning, Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made'. ( St. John 1:2-3). It may be difficult for our human minds to comprehend, but God became a human being and 'made his dwelling among us'. (St. John 1:14).

God could not have found a more effective way to prove His love for human beings than to become one of us. Jesus grew up as a perfect man, who had a relationship with God that was untainted by sin. At the age of only 33 He was condemned to death and crucified, even though his judge at his trial pronounced him 'not guilty'. His death was different from any other death in the whole of human history. Death, the Bible tells us, is a result of sin entering God's originally perfect creation. Jesus did not die for His own sins, but for ours! By admitting our need of forgiveness by a Holy God, and accepting Jesus's death on our behalf, we can be reconciled to God and have a living relationship with Him. But there is more: history records that Jesus conquered death and rose again. So those who put their faith in Him will also rise to eternal life.

Surely this is much more exciting than 'little green men' from Mars? If you want to find out more about having a relationship with the Creator of the stars and galaxies, ask the person who gave you this leaflet, or contact the publisher.
