Picture of a Fast Car

Are you being taken for a ride?

The end of the road for evolution?

Although evolution has been widely believed for over a century, it is running into deeper and deeper trouble as more and more scientific evidence accumulates against it.

Evolutionary scientists are now having to re-think their theories of the origin of the universe since recent research has shown that the popular big bang theory is running into serious trouble.

The beginning of life itself is an enigma to them. For centuries people believed in spontaneous generation, until the 19th century Pasteur and others showed that life always came from life. We now know that even a single cell is exceedingly complex; evolutionists still claim, against all the odds, that life arose spontaneously on earth by chance.

Charles Darwin put forward natural selection as the main mechanism by which living things were supposedly transformed into higher and more complex forms. Yet we now know that natural selection can cause only limited variation, 'choosing' from genetic information already present.

Picture of a Stalled Car

Mutations (genetic mistakes) are often suggested as an evolutionary mechanism, but known mutations are usually harmful, often lethal. Many are just meaningless gobbledygook, and none ever adds any useful genetic information.

A major problem for all evolutionists from Darwin onwards has been the missing links. Why — if everything evolved from a common origin — do we not find fossils of creatures which were transitional? Although billions of fossils have been discovered, not one undisputed 'in-between link' has turned up! All living organisms seem to have appeared abruptly with no series of fossil forms leading up to them, and although some things have become extinct, many have remained unchanged since they first appeared.


It really does seem that evolution has reached the end of the road, and is no longer a credible explanation of life's origin. The 'amoeba-to-man' idea is an illusion. The only alternative is that the universe and everything in it is the work of a creator! The old excuse, 'Science has disproved the Bible', is not valid. Indeed, thousands of qualified scientists have rejected evolution entirely in favour of the Bible record of creation. But the Bible not only provides a more credible explanation for the origin of life. It also tells us something about ourselves, why the world is in the state it is, and how God, through His Son Jesus Christ, offers us forgiveness and a fresh start on a journey that leads to eternal life!

Don't be taken for a ride by evolution: face the facts, and make that fresh start today!

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© Creation Resources Trust. Reprinted with permission.