Front Cover of The Theory of Evolution Page


Picture of the Supposed Big BangDid the universe begin with a massive explosion about 15 billion years ago? Supporters of the 'big bang' theory claim that all the matter and energy now present in the universe was concentrated in a tiny, super-dense core, which exploded, first producing hydrogen — the lightest of all elements — and eventually stars, galaxies and at least one planetary system. Then, after a few more million years, plants, animals and people evolved.

But there are a number of serious problems with this idea. What was there before the 'big bang'. If there was nothing, what caused it? And if there was something, then where did it come from? This is how scientists Paul Davies and Jeremy Gibbin described it: “The big bang was the abrupt creation of the Universe from literally nothing: no space, no time, no matter. This is a quite extraordinary conclusion to arrive at — a picture of the entire physical Universe simply popping into existence from nothing.” But astronomer David Darling pointed out the difficulties: “Don't let the cosmologists try to kid you on this one. They have not got a clue either despite the fact that they are doing a pretty good job of convincing themselves and others that this is not really a problem.... But there is a very real problem in explaining how it all got started in the first place.” In 2004, a group of 34 scientists issued a statement claiming there is no observable evidence to support the “big bang.”


Picture of the Solar SystemOne of the most serious objections to the “big bang” theory, and the whole concept of evolution, is that it contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Put simply, this law states that all systems, left to themselves, decay and break down. We observe this universal downhill process everywhere: rooms get untidy, buildings crumble, our bodies grow old and eventually die. Yet, the evolution theory has things going from simple to complex — from hydrogen to humans! The ingredients of life were supposedly synthesised by accident, maybe by lightning. Then single-celled creatures are said to have emerged, developing over millions of years into the amazing variety of life on earth today — and all from an explosion! But explosions produce disorder and chaos, so how could our orderly universe, our own planet, and it's highly complex forms of life, possibly have originated in a 'big bang'? For one thing, the evolution of more complex creatures would have required the addition of new genetic information, and there is no known way for this to happen.

Those who promote the 'big bang' theory have to believe by faith that an explosion of nothing in the beginning began a process which produced everything that exists. Is it not easier — and more logical — to believe that the universe, our planet, and the life upon it, are the work of an almighty, all-wise Creator? “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, says the Bible (Genesis 1:1) Only God can create for nothing!


The Bible not only tells us that the universe was created by God, it also explains the universal process of decay and disintegration. Genesis chapter 3 relates how our first parents broke God's law, and brought death and decay into His once-good creation. We have all broken God's moral law, and live with the results of sin. But this state of affairs won't last for ever. The Bible promises a time when this decay process will be reversed: “The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God” (Romans 8:21) Because of sin, our lives here are brief and sometimes difficult, and our bodies will grow old and die. But God's only Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, and by dying on the Cross took our punishment. He then rose again to give eternal life to all who turn to Him in repentance and faith. We can be set free from the curse of sin!


You did not evolve from hydrogen! You are made in God's image and of great value to Him. You, too, can experience the wonder of His forgiveness, but there is nothing any of us can do to earn it — it is a free gift! “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). It really is something for nothing — although it cost Jesus His life. You can enjoy a personal relationship with your Creator here and now, and look forward to a wonderful future when the whole creation is set free from the effects of sin. This is really good news — you just have to believe it!
