Introduction to Proverbs

by Dr. Henry M. Morris:

(taken from the Defender's Study Bible)

The book of Proverbs has traditionally been ascribed to wise king Solomon, who “spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five” (1 Kings 4:32). Even though the first verse of Proverbs claims Solomon's authorship for the book, it is probable that he collected many of them from various sources (note Ecclesiastes 12:9). The last two chapters were apparently written by two men named Agur and Lemuel, respectively (Proverbs 30:1; 31:1). Whether Solomon wrote most of them, however, or collected most of them, their present form is rightly attributed to Solomon (note also Proverbs 10:1; 25:1), with the present form of the book possibly organized by the servants of King Hezekiah (Proverbs 25:1). There is also a possibility that certain sections were written by a school of savants known as “the wise” (Proverbs 22:17; 24:23).

The book has been organized in several distinct sections. The first seven verses constitute an introductory statement of purpose, involving the impartation of eleven aspects of God's mind to the learner (wisdom, instruction, understanding, justice, judgment, equity, subtlety, knowledge, discretion, learning, and wise counsels). Following this is a section—from Proverbs 1:8 through 9:18 (Proverbs 1:8; 1:10; 1:15; 2:1; 3:1; 3:11; 3:21; 4:1; 4:10; 4:20; 5:1; 5:7; 6:1; 6:20; 7:1; 7:24; 8:32)—containing seventeen lessons, each beginning with “my son” or “ye children.” Prominent in these lessons, and throughout most of the book, is the contrast between two symbolic women, Wisdom and Folly, or the Virtuous Woman and the Strange (or Foreign) Woman.

The collection of 375 proverbs from Proverbs 10:1 through Proverbs 22:16 has no specific theme or continuity. Each proverb is an independent pithy saying, with no relation to context, often consisting of a couplet, of either supporting or contrasting assertions.

The sections written, or collected, by “the wise” (Proverbs 22:17-24:22 and 24:23-34) also consist of wise sayings on many subjects, but in most cases continuity is retained through several verses.

Another set of isolated, independent proverbs appears in Proverbs 25-29, under the heading of “proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out” (Proverbs 25:1). Hezekiah was king of Judah about three hundred years after Solomon; thus the book of Proverbs did not assume its final form until long after Solomon's day.

Finally there are the last two chapters, identified with Agur and Lemuel, respectively. Neither of these two men is otherwise identified, though there have been many speculations. Proverbs 30 is a striking chapter with many quotable verses. The testimony of Lemuel in Proverbs 31 includes the famous acrostic poem (Proverbs 31:10-31) on the “virtuous woman.”

The many sayings of Proverbs, seemingly so disjointed, all contribute to the full, rich life of a true redeemed follower of God. Each one well deserves thoughtful study and careful meditation, and all together show that God is directly concerned with every detail of our lives.